Gambling Addiction

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What you need to know about gambling addiction.

If you think gambling is not addictive, please think again, although most people can bet on horse racing, bet with friends or participate in games. I play bingo games from time to time without disturbing others. The fact is that many people can and do rely on the emotions conveyed by the game.

What is gambling addiction?

The Mayo Clinic describes gambling addiction as an uncontrolled urge to continue gambling regardless of its impact on personal life. If a person is addicted to gambling, they can empty their bank accounts, owe debts, and even maintain their gambling habits through theft.

What are the symptoms of gambling addiction?

Although every compulsive gambler is different, there are some typical hidden signs or lies in the number or frequency of gambling. Use gambling to relieve depression or low self-esteem. After the game is over, I feel remorse and regret, the family’s commitment to the game. Borrow or steal money for gambling.

Which games can be addictive?

If used excessively, then any game that provides excitement and a chance to win money can become a problem. Football betting, horse racing, roulette, scratch cards and online bingo games are all addictive personality types. People may be addicted to real-time gambling or online games.

Who is at risk of becoming an addicted gamer?

In fact, anyone can gamble. The player can be an honest businessman and has won handsome returns. Once, when he tried to reproduce this rare situation by “playing a pony”, he spent a lot of time out of the office and gambled with money he couldn’t afford.

Bingo harms your family. Most people are not addicted to a positive gaming experience, but they do. Clinical depression, anxiety, medication problems, low self-esteem or insufficient attention/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be more prone to compulsive gambling than those who do not.

Age and gender may also be risk factors. The Mayo Clinic says that the most common players are young men and middle-aged men. Experts also pointed out that although it is easy to gamble, women quickly catch up with men. Games like bingo are much more mature than male games.

Personality affects a person’s likelihood of indulging in gambling. People who are highly competitive and prone to boredom or workaholics may not be able to quit smoking even if they continue to gamble. This can adversely affect their personal or business lives. Certain drugs can make people more likely to indulge in gambling.

For example, a class of drugs called “dopamine agonists” can have unfavorable side effects and make some people feel overwhelmed. Doctors don’t know why, but drugs with this mysterious side effect are widely used to treat Parkinson’s disease and wrestler’s leg syndrome.

Does it help treat addictive gambling?

If you or someone you care about shows signs of gambling addiction, you can seek help. In the UK, the best option (sorry for the pun) is to contact the GamCare support staff: the NHS recommends GamCare and provides personal advice and a 24/7 hotline 0808 8020133.